Friday, October 20, 2006


Work first! I am teaching an MBA course on Multicurltural Management
in Toulouse, France over Spring Break. So today, before the SBA Fac/Staff
meeting - I will work on the course and travel details. What fun! Tonight
is the last Centerville Football home game and my high school Freshman is "dressing" for the
game - I hope the weather gets better - but then it IS football weather. My son
Chris is coming home for the weekend (at UD) - it will be good to see him even though
I probably won't see him much. I walk for Breast Cancer Reseach tomorrow and
the weekend continues!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Hitting the customer where it counts...let's talk marketing

Let's talk Marketing

Do you get the concept of Customer Insight?

Check out these sites...
ttp:// Play the film and send a card - what is the insight? - these commercial HIT that insight and put the product in the consumer's 360 degrees - right where they are...

Give me some feedback...